Respond to Reviews

How to Respond to Reviews on G2 Is the review positive or negative? Negative Positive Is the review justified? Does the review contain vague, unactionable, or rude language? Is the review well-written, thorough, and helpful? Does the review bring up a point you’d like to build upon or address? Ye s No No No No Ye s Ye s Ye s Thank the Reviewer Make sure to personalize the message by addressing the reviewer by name and referencing something in the review. Do Not Reply If a review contains vague, unactionable or rude language, a reply probably won’t help the situation and you are best not engaging in further dialogue. Tell Your Side If a reviewer makes claims that you consider to be untrue (or not the whole truth), address those in your response and correct the inaccuracies. Own Up and Apologize Lead your response with an apology and explain why things went wrong. Then briefly explain the steps you’re taking to ensure the same issues do not arise again. Responding to reviews acknowledges and addresses the comments of the reviewer and gives you the opportunity to offer insights from your brand. Looking to drive more reviews? We can show you how to best generate more reviews on G2 .

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