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Driving prospective buyers to purchase is software vendors’ proverbial foot in the door, but the key to brokering long-term client relationships is the early post-purchase stage. Implementation is the first step in the post-purchase process, and 93% of buyers indicate that the quality of the implementation process is important or very important when making the decision to renew a software product. Software buyers are looking for the least friction possible when adding a solution to their technology stack, and a high-quality implementation process helps them get part way to that frictionless ideal. Return on investment (ROI) within six months was the second most important consideration for prospective buyers, and ease of use was third. The data shows what buyers know—they want to achieve ROI quickly, and a good implementation process and an easy-to-use product will help them get there. Pricing was second to last in the list of 12 considerations. A poor experience may be inexpensive, but inexpensive doesn’t entice buyers. The sticker price is no longer a sales tool; proof of quick ROI is. Sellers need to button up the post-sale process to make implementation as seamless as possible. To further cement the priority of the implementation process, 77% of respondents indicate they have either worked with a vendor’s implementation team or have worked with a third-party vendor for implementation (as opposed to 34% of responses that indicate they handle implementation by their internal teams). Buyers trust the experts, and the experience those experts deliver shapes their impression of a product, which influences their decision to renew down the line. Product adoption, particularly during the early stage of a buyer’s contract, is another key to securing renewals. Weekly usage by all users is mentioned as one of the more important aspects of a buying decision, but there’s a disconnect between what buyers say and what they do. Early post-purchase experience shapes the rest of the vendor-buyer relationship Top three most important buying considerations: Ease of implementation ROI within six months Ease of use 2022 G2 Software Buyer Behavior Report 4

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