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Intent Data, Simplified. When teams are tasked with growing a more Intent data is a collection of precise data qualified demand pipeline, they look for points, or “signals,” that provide insights software that can help. Questions like “Can into prospects’ buying intentions. These we afford it? Will it integrate with our existing signals can show you where the prospect tech stack? What value will it add to our is in their buying process, competitive bottom line?” add to the anxiety of the search. intelligence on other solutions they’re They want to gather as much information considering, engagement activity with top as possible about the product experience, content, and more. key capabilities, and competing solutions to make the best choice for their team and We tend to trust our peers before we trust (technology) stack. a brand. And because of that, a growth advantage comes from using these Savvy sales and marketing teams know that actionable insights to drive efficiency and the buying journey starts with online research personalization in your prospecting and and content that helps cut through the noise. marketing outreach. Most buying journeys start familiarly: • Case-driven Google searches • Product/customer reviews and testimonials Since intent data provides an intuitive look • Educational (top-of-funnel) articles/ into real-time behavior, it allows your sales whitepapers/eBooks and marketing teams to make connections • Video content, including webinars, when they’re most influential—right at the recorded demos, and testimonials start of the prospect’s research journey. • Social media thought leadership, peer Suppose you sell an enterprise product reviews, and “nods of approval/dislikes” where your prospects are infrequently in-market. How valuable would it be to get That's where intent data comes in. an alert when a company searches your product, product category, or competitor? SOURCE: SALESFORCE ThThThe Big Book oe Big Book oe Big Book of Intf Intf Intent ent ent 555

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