PRICING PAGE Hey Matt Lazares, NOTIFICATION Your lead just viewed the pricing page, and we sent them our standard pricing page email. If you don’t hear back from them in the next 24 hours, you might want to follow up with them! I’ve also included some resources below you can use for following up with your lead. EMAILS Name: Arun Mathew Job Title: Partner at Accel Company: Accel Phone: XX.XXXX.XXXX First Conversion: XXXXX Date: XX/XX/XXXX # Visits: 35 # Page Views: 235 Here are the best product marketing resources we recommend Auto-sent to Account Owner for follow up with Arun Matthews: PUBLIC CONTENT (for emailing): INTERNAL CONTENT (for discussing): as defined by your CRM • Product Reviews on G2 Crowd • G2 Marketing Solutions - Overview Deck (Jan 2018) • [PR] The New York Times Article on G2 Crowd • G2 Features - Organized by Persona (Feb 2018) • [Ebook] How To Run A Review Campaign Any questions? Shoot us a note! Otherwise, Happy selling! G2 Product Marketing & Sales Enablement Team These should be sent quickly to ensure immediate follow up They can also be sent to sales, even if an email wasn’t sent to the prospect. @ R Y A N B O N N I C I # M A R K E T I N G E X P O 1 8 @ G 2 C R O W D