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T I H W O G T 2 W O Power on-demand personalization H with real-time alerts Does your team use Slack, Marketo, HubSpot, immediately and inform CSMs that it Zapier, or other leading integrations to might be time to check on the health of get real-time alerts on account activity? the account can be a game changer when Now with G2’s Buyer Intent, your sales and optimizing opportunity wins on your daily marketing teams can watch real-time intent to-do list. activity and receive immediate alerts for page views, category views, and competitive comparisons. Having visibility into the Check out G2’s Partner Hub for more accounts that are viewing those pages info on integrating Buyer Intent with can be powerful for sales and marketing your tech stack, and the tools you alignment, but having the power to initiate already know and love. personalized outreach for top accounts Identify high-value accounts by adding intent to a lead scoring model By integrating G2 Buyer Intent with Marketo and other marketing automation platforms, you can add intent signals to your scoring model. For G2 category views, for example, you might raise a contact's score by 5 points. For views of your product page on G2, you might increase by 10. Some G2 customers consider a G2 intent signal valuable enough to create an MQL and route the contact to an inbound SDR for follow up. Fuel demand with always-on, triggered campaigns Marketers can leverage G2 Buyer Intent signals to create custom workflows to nurture smart lists, trigger engagement events, and add net-new accounts to existing smart lists to keep your pipeline pumped with qualified demand. For instance, when an account hits your product or category page on, you can trigger a promotional campaign to register for your latest on-demand webinar. Then you can watch your lead scores kick up a notch for the accounts showing they’re a few steps closer to picking your product over the rest. The Big Book of Intent 25

The Big Book of Intent - Page 25 The Big Book of Intent Page 24 Page 26