7 Recency matters too . Though you might have 20 reviews so far, if they’re older than three months, then it’s time to get some new ones posted . The more recent a review, the more value is delivered. 66% of buyers find product reviews from the last three months very valuable, but any older than that and a significant drop-off occurs with only 45% of buyers finding value in three to six month old reviews, and less than one quarter finding value in the six to twelve month span . 7 out of 10 of managers find reviews provided in the last three months as very valuable. Percentage of B2B buyers 45.3% who find reviews very 3 – 6 valuable based on time. months old 21% 6 – 12 months old 65.7% 11.2% 0 – 3 months old 12+ months old 2 CROWD