6 Percentage of buyers who Minimum number of need to see 11–50 reviews . reviews needed to impact purchase decision . Reviews are important, yes, but it’s important to remember that one or two reviews aren’t enough to deliver value to your prospects . So just how % many reviews should you aim for? While 1 in 5 22.2 buyers are fine seeing around 10 reviews, 0–10 reviews 66% of buyers prefer to see 11–50 . Breakdown of buyers who 37.1% need to see 11 - 50 reviews 11–20 reviews 24% 21–50 reviews 53% 64.8% of coordinators of managers % or consultants 8.2 51–100 reviews 4% +100 reviews 68% 60.5% of VPs of C-Suite But quantity isn’t or directors all that matters . 2 CROWD