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1. Establish a baseline Take a look at an existing campaign and pick specific KPIs you want to track, e.g., lowering customer acquisition costs and social media advertising spend. Now you have a starting point to measure performance after intent data has been gathered and incorporated into your strategy. Hot tip! An intent-driven strategy is not transactional—it’s a long game. Don’t approach it as a one-off activity. Instead, consider using intent signals to inform your targeting, content, and offers, and incorporate them through your funnel. 2. Run A/B tests on both your organic and paid campaigns By split-testing paid ads (for example, one with messaging informed by intent data and one without), you can see what influence it has on performance. Not to mention you can use intent signals to tailor your 1:1 outreach, test different messaging, and employ new campaign methods to drive engagement. For instance, this can be a great opportunity to send a personalized gift to a high-value contact who’s also showing intent! Hot tip! Align messaging to the intent signal. Signals imply different things about your buyers and where they are in the journey. Make sure your messaging meets your buyer where they are. 3. Strengthen sales and marketing alignment Align sales and marketing and reduce cross-team friction. For organizations that have adopted ABM, intent data can help define your top accounts and focus your attention and resources to your best bets. For customer retention and growth, intent can help you identify churn-risk and ensure you're delivering greater value to your customers. Hot tip! Organizations big and small can harness intent data. No matter where your company sits in its maturity model or level of sophistication, intent data can be a game-changer. Intent data can help you craft the right messaging to win target accounts, even if you’re a smaller player. Note: Even savvy teams struggle with how to capture and report the impact of intent on pipeline and revenue. G2 Buyer Intent integrations allow you to pull this data into your CRM and reporting tools so you can see which accounts have an intent signal associated with them. The Big Book of Intent 21

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