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Increasing marketing and sales alignment Fundamentally, sales and marketing teams in any organization share the same main goal: Fill this out and to grow customers, pipeline, and revenue. save as a snapshot! But as with any work environment where metrics matter, friction can arise when both Key questions sales and teams are experiencing pressure to be more marketing can solve with productive and increase performance at intent data: challenging rates. With shared insights, intent data can Do we have an idea of what our diminish challenges for both teams. It allows typical sales cycle looks like? BDRs to understand who they should be Have we gotten our buyer calling, emailing, and engaging (faster) with. personas right based on the Meanwhile, it’ll also point growth marketers latest conversion numbers? to what topics the client is most interested in learning about. It also gives them the i.e., Are we converting incentive to create educational content to prospects who fit our address those pain points across the funnel. target criteria, or are we missing key traits of their Essentially, intent data provides teams with ideal customer profile the laser precision to build personalized (ICP)? messaging and go-to-market tactics that Which campaigns are getting speak directly to the prospects who have the us the most qualified leads? highest propensity to buy. It helps guide them effortlessly from "I think I know a bit about Why are we losing 15% of our this product" to "This is the solution I need for MQLs when they’re passed our team and stack." over to sales? How many sales and marketing interactions is it taking to convert a prospect into a customer? The Big Book of Intent 18

The Big Book of Intent - Page 18 The Big Book of Intent Page 17 Page 19