21 2 Use reviews throughout your marketing strategy . As we saw, reviews are not restricted to a single phase of the B2B buyer’s journey; therefore you should utilize reviews throughout your marketing strategy at every stage of the funnel . A good review strategy helps foster trust and credibility, build your brand, establish market presence, and reinforce a prospect’s decision to buy . BEST PRACTICES: Develop testimonials from Use reviews to identify reviews at various stages of potential references for the buyer’s journey. customers who have similar use-case scenarios. Utilize reviews as call-outs in early-stage content like Link to your company’s eBooks and whitepapers as profile on a review site. well as later-stage materials Refer prospects to these like testimonials and case reviews for an unbiased, third studies. party testimonial to close sales. Draw on your reviews to Utilize products and data uncover the solutions your offered by review sites to product addresses and build display testimonials and new messaging from them for competitive insights. early-stage communications. Work with your customer support team to identify users and reviews that can be featured in sales and marketing collateral. 2 CROWD